Climbing Net Park

Climbing Net Park

“Tīklot” net park is located in the green heart of Riga – Mežaparks, between pine trees 4-7 metres high and 700m2 in area. The Net Park offers 8 platforms connected by overpasses. Among the treetops you will find – basketball court, football pitch, obstacle course, ball court, slide.

It will be fun for the little ones and adults alike, enjoying the feeling of freedom above the ground! The Net Park has a seating area for parents to wait for their children and enjoy a coffee. The Net Park is safe and suitable for everyone! No age restrictions and no pre-booking!

Please bring your own socks or change shoes without tread and with rubber soles!


Riga, Mežaparks

Phone: +371 263 38 285

E-mail: [email protected]

More information:

Perkant 10 ir daugiau bilietų galite kreiptis: [email protected]

Durys atidaromos: parko veikimo metu (11:30 – 19:00)
Renginio trukmė: 1:00
Vaikai įleidžiami nemokamai: neįleidžiami
Amžiaus cenzas: nėra
Nuolaidos: netaikomos
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