TEDxKaunas 2021: “Knock Knock”

TEDxKaunas 2021: “Knock Knock”

A question “Who” or “What is there?”, which automatically comes to mind when we hear the phrase “Knock knock” is the key to TEDxKaunas 2021 event. It is a moment of suspense and anticipated delight that lingers in the air for a few seconds while we wait to hear how the joke ends. “Knock knock” is the briefest of phrases that sets the mood (fun), invites you to participate (let’s play a game), and carries a promise – in the end, you will feel entertained.

What we as organizers plan to bring to our audience’s imaginary front door this year is ideas on the future of technology, culture, business, human psychology, and others. Those attending will be invited to participate during the talks, performances, and even during the breaks of the event.

The speakers which will share their ideas is:

Tobias Grünfelder/Campoverde. His speech title – The MAGIC Model of Transculturality.

Leon van der Laan. His speech title – The hidden opportunity for humanity behind remote work.

Alex Gibb – Finding happiness as a human being, not a human doing.

Miglė Petkevičienė. Her speech title – Digital and physical footprint: a lawyer’s perspective.

Anne Boysen. Her speech title – What is really causing Generation Z to despair?

and a few more speakers!

Daniel Hulme. His speech title – The impact of AI


Our main sponsors:



Volfas Engelman Nealkoholinis


Get your Ticket here: https://bit.ly/TicketsTEDxKaunas